话本小说网 > 游戏同人小说 > 自设和邪骨的爱恨情仇
本书标签: 游戏同人  传说之下同人  原创 


作者As we all know who am I writing this article about...

作者So it's all water

I agreed to leave the factory???

作者Oh I'm talking about singing in a feature film !

Didn't you say this one will leave the factory in your last one???

Are you kidding me???

作者Oh of course not~

作者Guess yours Who is the other half???

it's mine cp???

作者I haven't figured out your cp yet?


What do you want?

作者I miss you and despair😊😊😊

作者You don't mind do you?

no!!!I mind very much !!!

Despair she is a woman!!!

Are you going to write us as homosexuals???

作者Of course not~~~

作者I'll write about you two outside~~~

作者Can you guess whether you are above or below~?

...(My mother tongue is speechless)

作者forget it~

作者Give a little spoiler~

作者You are down there~

So you're saying...

despairIn your plan I'm a boy?


作者Or what???

作者I can't write you as gay can I ...

author...(Touch the pillow)

despair...(Summon the dragon palace to run against the author)

作者Hey guys!!!

作者Have something to say!!!


despairThe bird is wailing

despairFlowers are dying

despairAn author who loves cp like you...

despair(合)You should eat chicken in hell!!!

(合)You should eat chicken in hell!!!


cause of death:Annoyed his two words said

despair(Hold wrinkles with tentacles)wife...

???Despair what are you doing Let go!!!

despairCan you do something ↗interesting↗ with me ...

no!(Was carried away by despair)


作者This chapter is over~(Didn't expect that did you I'm full of blood again!!!)

作者Send some pictures!!!




作者good bye~

上一章 No.29 自设和邪骨的爱恨情仇最新章节 下一章 No.30