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class S(数学理论)


class S理论的对偶群是moduli space的基本群与证明

The punctures on the z plane are now associated to the factors of the flavor group. The moduli space of a sphere with n+3 distinguished punctures M'ₙ₊₃,₀ is a cover of the gauge moduli space Mₙ₊₃,₀. The S-duality group π₁(Mₙ₊₃,₀) can be factored as the semi-direct product

0 → π₁(M'+₃,₀) → π₁(Mₙ₊₃,₀) → S → 0 (2.19)

The quotient S acts as the permutation group on the punctures,i.e.on factors of the flavor group.

上一章 non-analytic 数学使徒(MathematicalApostle)最新章节 下一章 Seiberg-Witten理论(理论物理、数学物理)