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本书标签: 幻想 

Learn General world models


1.Paper: Learning General World Models in a Handful of Reward-Free Deployments

Motivation:building generally capable agents by world models

• Generalize to novel tasks: WM training should not include rewards.

• deploy without retraining too much.

Methods outline

Instead of designing some intrinsic rewards for world model, this work proposes a better exploration policy without reward: It needs information gain and diversity. The focus of our work is on how to train ⇡EXP offline such that it gathers heterogeneous and informative data which facilitate zero-shot transfer to unknown tasks.

如何训练?For zero-shot evaluation, we follow [97] and only train the reward head at test time when provided with labels for our pre-collected data, which is then used to train a behavior policy offine.

How to design such exploration policy?


πᴇxᴘ=arg max l(dπ ᴍψ;Mψ)=H(dπ ᴍψ) – H(dπ ᴍψ|Mψ)

其意义是在未知MDP(reward function)时,着重探索uncertain的部分,explore;而在已知reward function的时候,Policy倾向于deep explore,即把最成功的路径给走一遍。

进一步地,A cascading objective.首先证明最优点可以到达,基于次和greedy的保证,可以转化为cascading的objective:

π⁽ⁱ⁾=arg max l (∏ ℙΦ ~π₍ⱼ₎[Mψ];Mψ|~π⁽ʲ⁾=π⁽ʲ⁾ ∀j ≤ i – 1)

~π⁽ⁱ⁾ ∈Π ⱼ₌₁

=H(∏ ℙΦ ~π₍ⱼ₎[Mψ]|~π⁽ʲ⁾=π⁽ʲ⁾ ∀j ≤ i – 1)


– H (∏ ℙΦ π₍ⱼ₎[Mψ]|Mψ,~π⁽ʲ⁾=π⁽ʲ⁾ ∀j ≤ i – 1)


最后,a tractable obejctive. 在高斯假设下,最终的形式可以被简化的很简单:

π⁽ⁱ⁾=arg max [λPopDivΦ(π|{π⁽ʲ⁾ᴇxᴘ}ⁱ⁻¹ⱼ₌₁+(1 – λ)lnfoGain(π)]

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