话本小说网 > 现代小说 > 成长:我的故事
本书标签: 现代 

Childhood(童年) 上


I was born in a small city, grew up in the countryside with thick fireworks, and I love the place where I grew up.(我出生一个小小的城市中,成长在烟火浓浓的乡村,我爱我成长的地方)

My mother was pregnant and gave birth to me at the age of two without any memory. My mother gave birth to my younger sister quietly, and from then on, I lived in the countryside with her and my grandparents.(我的妈妈十月怀胎生下了我,在我两岁时还没有记忆我的妈妈“悄悄”生下我的妹妹,从此我和她还有爷爷奶奶生活在农村。)

When I was a child, I played, learned, and grew up there. I spent my entire childhood there, and I always remember my grandparents picking me up every day after school and teaching me how to do homework.(小时候我在那里玩耍学习成长在那里度过了我的整个童年,我总是能记得爷爷奶奶在每天放学时一起来接我,然后教我写作业)

In the scorching summer, I took a cool break under the shade of a tree. My grandmother fanned a cattail fan for me, and when it was rough, she held a large fan, which made me feel a refreshing breeze, both comfortable and gentle.(在烈日炎炎的夏天我在树荫下乘凉奶奶为我扇着蒲扇,粗糙的时候握着大大的扇子,让我感到一阵清风,既舒服又温柔)Like a mother's hand gently caressing your head(像母亲的手轻轻抚摸你的头)

In the chilly winter, when it snowed, my sister and I had a snowball fight outside and made a snowman. Grandma saw it and didn't stop us. Instead, he dressed us in cotton clothes and hats, and stood quietly at the door, smiling and staring at us.(在寒风凛冽的冬天,下雪时,我与我妹妹在外面打雪仗,堆雪人,奶奶看见了并不阻止。反而给我们穿好棉衣戴好帽子,就静静的站在门口笑着注视着我们。)

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