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本书标签: 游戏同人  镜兰溪文社  游戏梦工厂     

我的世界 附属工会





“You must be from the anonymous union! I am the president of the second trade union in the world! Do you really have anything to do? You must have cheated! Don't think about it! Who doesn't know that the water and food in your trade union are inexhaustible! "”(你们就是无名工会的人吧,我是世界第二工会会长,你们是怎么搞的,你们肯定作弊了,不然怎么可能里面的食物和水源用之不尽,取之不竭的)


“I know you, but you should know that there can't be any cheating in this game at present. These water sources, materials, food and so on are all made by ourselves. If you frame us again, we will take compulsory measures against you. You should know your guild very well, right? It should be clear whether you can beat us, so please think twice before you do it.”(我知道你,不过你应该知道的,这个游戏目前已经不可能有任何作弊的情况发生,那些水源以及物资实物等等等等都是我们自己搞来的,如果你再次诬陷我们,我们工会将对你采取强制措施!你对自己的公会很了解,应该很清楚能不能打过我们,所以说请你三思后而行)


“I don't care if you must have cheated, I can't believe that I can't beat you. You are all rubbish, and we are the largest guild in the world!”(我不管,你们肯定作弊了!我就不信我不能打过你们!你们都是垃圾!我们才是世界上第一大的工会!)

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