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本书标签: 古代  影视同人 



Peter·KentYou and I are the same, Shilan. The number of times in my life, I love you only, my wife, and knowing you are my greatest luck in this life. I am even luckier in this life. If I marry you early, I will not be poisoned by villains. I will find a way to recuperate your body.(你我的也一样,世兰,此生次数,爱你唯一,妻子,认识你,是我此生最大的幸运,娶你更是此生幸运,若是早娶你更不会受小人毒害,我会想办法为你调理身体的)

Peter·KentOne day, I will get rid of that bad guy.(再有一日我会除掉那个歹人)

年世兰However, that man is the emperor of the Qing Dynasty. How can you get rid of him? Peter, I know you love me, but he is the emperor above me.(可是,那个人是大清的皇帝啊,你又怎能除掉他啊,彼得,我知道你爱我,但是他是高高在上的皇帝)

Peter·KentYour sister loves that emperor.(你的妹妹可喜欢这个皇帝?)

年世兰No, I hate it more than I do.(不曾,比我更加厌恶)

Peter·KentSo your sister has a high position?(那你妹妹位份可高?)


Peter·KentThat's easy. Let her help us. We have guns in the empire after sunset.(这就好办了,让她帮助我们,我们日不落帝国有枪)

Peter·KentIf we have guns, we dare not hit us. As long as the emperor dies, we will have many opportunities.(有炮,左右也不敢打我们,只要这个皇帝一死,我们便有很多机会)

年世兰Thank you, Peter.(谢谢你,彼得)

Peter·KentI want to learn Chinese.(我想学习中文)

Peter·KentI want to accompany you to visit your hometown, regardless of the money. As for your clothing store, I will help you publicize that it is not a problem to earn 10 thousand silver dollars a month.(我想陪你去你的故乡游山玩水,钱不用考虑,至于你的服装店,我会帮你宣传一个月赚1万银元不是问题)

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